Academy Authorities
Hanna Kostrzewska, PhD, DSc, ProfTit
Rector of The I.J. Paderewski Academy of Music in Poznań, Poland
Sławomir Kamiński, PhD, DSc, ProfTit
Vice-rector for student affairs and teaching
Vice-rector for artistic, scientific and international affairs
Szymon Musioł, PhD, DSc
Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Didactics
Mikołaj Rykowski, PhD, DSc, prof. AMP
Vice-rector for research projects, academy promotion and evaluation
Kinga Ceynowa, PhD, DSc, prof. AMP
Dean of the Faculty of Composition, Conducting, Vocal Studies,
Music Theory and Artistic Education
Krzysztof Sowiński, PhD, DSc, ProfTit
Dean of the Faculty of Instrumental Studies, Jazz and Stage Music
Director of Doctoral Schools
Warcisław Kunc, PhD, DSc, ProfTit
Doctoral School of Solo and Ensamble Performance of Contemporary Music
Doctoral School of Historical Performance Practices and Instrument Construction
Doctoral School of Composition, Theory of Music, Rhythmics and Music Education
Marcin Elbanowski, MA
Tomasz Jądrzyk, MA