The Chair of Artistic Lutherie

The Chair conducts artistic, didactic, and scientific activity in the field of artistic lutherie. The unit educates lutherie students in:

  • construction of lutherie stringed and plucked instruments,
  • construction of historical instruments,
  • repair and maintenance of lutherie artwork,
  • history of lutherie art,

The main tasks of the Chair includes:

  • initiating research topics and works as well as substantive supervision of research of the Chair’s staff,
  • organizing courses and scientific conferences,
  • organizing lutherie competitions,
  • publishing scientific materials,
  • presenting the artistic and scientific achievements of the staff,
  • acquiring and purchasing materials and tools for instruments construction as well as albums and books for theoretical works on history and theory of lutherie art,
  • collaboration with lutherie centers and music institutions in Poland and abroad.


The Chair conducts scientific and research work on the history and development of Polish lutherie. The unit has launched a research project in the field of acoustics that concerns the flow of vibrations in materials used to build a particular lutherie instrument.

As part of the research, the Chair established collaboration with other research centers in Poland and abroad: the Museum of Musical Instruments in Paris, the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, the Museum of Musical Instruments in Poznań, and the Jagiellonian University in Cracow.

Currently, candidates without lutherie background can also apply for admission to the lutherie course. Beginning with the 2021/2022 academic year, Bachelor’s studies in artistic lutherie will be carried out in a four-year course of study.

Members of the Chair of Artistic Lutherie:

Honorata Stalmierska, PhD, DSc, ProfTit – head

Andrzej Łapa, PhD, DSc, ProfTit
Marta Panfil, PhD
Jacek Steczkowski, PhD
Jan Mazurek, MA
Marcin Krupa, MA
Piotr Kosarga, MA

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