
Broadway Across Borders – report from musical workshops run by Ryan Nelson

On November 25-27, 2022, students of the musical specialty of the Institute of Vocal Studies of our Academy took part in the first workshops in cooperation with the U.S. Embassy in Poland – Broadway Across Boarders, conducted by Ryan Nelson.

The next meeting with our students will take place in March 2023, and the final – in the form of a performance – at the Academy of Music in Łódź in June this year. The US Embassy project is an inter-university project, the Theater Academy in Warsaw and the Academy of Music in Łódź have also been invited to participate in joint activities.

The supervisors of the project are prof. Marek Moździerz, dr hab. Joanna Horodko and Dariusz Tarczewski, MA.

Zdjęcie przedstawia grupę młodych ludzi, uczesteników Warsztatów musicalowych Broadway Across BordersPicture takie during musical workshopsPicture takie during musical workshopsZdjęcie przestawia młodą osobę, która śpiewa - uczestniczkę Warsztatów musialowych Broadway across bordersPerson taking care in musica workshopsA group of young people taking part in the musical workshopsPeople which took part in musical worsshops in Poznan

fot. Joanna Horodko